
BCC Optical Diffusion

The BCC+ Halo filter glows highlights and reduces contrast while softening facial blemishes and wrinkles.

Before and After

Presets and the FX Editor

The FX Editor provides a convenient way to store and retrieve factory installed and/or user generated filter presets. To select a preset, open the FX Editor interface and pick one from the Presets panel. Click the apply button in the FX Editor to return to the host user interface.

To save a custom preset, click the “Create Custom Preset” icon in the top right corner of the parameter list, next to the filter name, set a name for the new custom preset in the dialog that appears and click done.

Filter Parameters


Blur: Fine image details, such as facial wrinkles and blemishes, are minimized using edge aware smoothing.

Mist: The Mist controls add a mild glow to image highlights.

Blend: Determines the blend mode to be used to create the mist effect.

  • Add: The mist is added to your image.
  • Screen: The mist is combined with the image using a Screen blend mode. This looks kind of like the Add blend mode, but highlights are retained.

Brightness: Sets the intensity of the mist.

Blur: Sets the softness of the mist.

Color: Sets the color of the mist.

Color Correct

  • **Hue:**Rotates the hue of the image.
  • Saturation: Adjusts the saturation of the image*.*Positive values saturate, negative values desaturate.
  • **Brightness:**Adjusts the brightness of the image. Positive values brighten, negative values darken.
  • Contrast: Adjusts the contrast of the image. Positive values increase contrast, negative values decrease contrast.
  • Gamma: Adjusts the gamma of the image. The gamma adjustment leaves the white and black points the same and only modifies the values in-between. Positive values lighten the midtones, negative values darken the midtones.
  • **Temperature:**Sets the color of the image to be either warmer or cooler. Dragging the slider to the right makes the image cooler (bluer) and dragging the slider to the left makes the image warmer (redder).
  • Cyan/Magenta: Adds either Cyan or Magenta to the image. Dragging the slider to the right makes the image more magenta and dragging the slider to the left makes the image more cyan.
  • **Red:**Adds or subtracts red from the image.
  • Green: Adds or subtracts green from the image.
  • **Blue:**Adds or subtracts blue from the image.


A matte is used to create the mist effect.

Position: Pinpoints the color values to be used in the matte. For a luminance matte, a Position value of 100 would make a white matte of the highlights and a value of 0 would make a white matte of the shadows. In the flower image below, look at how the matte varies for different Position values in a red extraction. When the Position is at a value of 100, the red flowers are shown as white in the matte.

Position=100, Range=25
When the Position is moved to 50, the red flowers turn black.

Position=50, Range=25
**Range:**Increases or decreases the range of values in the matte. A low Range value indicates a narrow range of values. A high Range value indicates a large range of values included in the matte.

Blur: The matte is blurred by a quality blur.

PixelChooser: The BCC PixelChooser provides a way for the user to select which pixels in the filtered source are actually going to be affected by the filter, via the generation of image based mattes, gradient mattes and vector shape masks. Mocha planar tracking and vector shape masking options are included in the PixelChooser, which allows for the generation of motion-tracked mask shapes as a hold-back mask.

For more information on the PixelChooser, Click Here.

BCC+Split Field
BCC+Rack Focus

BCC+Double Fog
BCC+Depth of Field
BCC+Center Spot