Authentic Film Damage Effects with BCC Film Damage

BCC Obsolete

Replaced by BCC+ Film Grunge

We recommend use of BCC+ Film Grunge* instead of BCC Film Damage. The newer BCC+ Film Grunge filter adds film dirt, hair, scratches, stains, splotches, gate weave, flicker, vignetting and grain–all to make your pristine image look like damaged film. The filter also contains GPU acceleration for faster smoother results, and FX Editor support.*



Film Damage simulates the appearance of old film stock. You can add scratches, grain particles, hair or fibers, and dirt, dust, or water spots. Film Damage also allows you to simulate camera shake and a flickering image.


Hair: Squiggle lines in image aboveScratch:Vertical lines of damage in image aboveDirt: Spots of damage in image above


Presets and Common Controls

BCC filters come with a library of factory installed presets plus the ability to create your own custom presets and preview them with the BCC FX Browser™.

BCC filters also include common controls that configure global effect preferences and other host-specific effect settings.

For more information about working with presets and other common controls, Click Here.

Compare Mode

The BCC Compare Mode provides a convenient mechanism to compare the effect result with the original source layer. It provides several variations on basic split-screen views with the filtered clip placed next to the unedited original.

For more information on the Compare Mode,Click Here.

Selecting the Color**On**checkboxturns on the Tint Color in the Color parameter group. If the Color On checkbox is not selected, the Tint Color and Tint Amount parameters have no affect.

Color Parameter Group

These controls tint the image and allow you to adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation.

Brightnessadjusts the brightness of the image. Increasing the Brightness setting pushes colors toward white, and decreasing the setting pushes colors toward black.

Contrastadjusts the contrast of the image. Increasing the Contrast setting pushes colors toward pure colors, and decreasing the setting pushes colors toward 50% gray.

Saturationadjusts the intensity of each color’s hue in the image. Negative values remove color from the image, and positive values add color to the image.

T**int**Colorsets the color that tints the image. If the Color On checkbox is not selected, this parameter has no affect.

T**int**Amountadjusts the amount of the Tint Color that is applied to the image. At a value of 0, the Tint Color has no affect. At a Tint Amount value of 100, the image is fully tinted with the selected color. Intermediate values produce a partially tinted image. If the Color On checkbox is not selected, this parameter has no affect.

filmdamage.tintamount.0 filmdamage.tintamount.50 filmdamage.tintamount.100
Tint Amount=0 Tint Amount=50 Tint Amount=100

Select the Flicker**On**checkboxto add flicker to the effect. Leave this option deselected to maintain the brightness of the image. If this option is deselected, the parameters in the Flicker parameter group have no affect.

Flicker Parameter Group

These controls allow you add a flicker to the effect, so the brightness of the image varies constantly from frame to frame.

**Flicker****Amount**adjusts the amount of flicker applied to the effect. Higher values produce more pronounced variations in the brightness of the image.

**Flicker****Speed**determines how quickly the brightness of the image changes. Higher values cause the brightness to change more quickly, producing rapid flickering.

The Brightness**Clamp**checkboxlimits the amount of variation in brightness. When this option is selected, extreme variations in brightness are excluded, so the image is never solid black or white.

Select the Shake**On**checkboxto add Shake to the effect. If this option is deselected, the parameters in the Shake parameter group have no affect.

Shake Parameter Group

The Shake parameters move the image slightly from side to side and up and down, simulating a shaking camera.

Shake**Xand Shake****Y**control the amount that the image displaces along the X and Y axis as it shakes. Higher values move the image more.

**Shake****Speed**determines how quickly the image moves as the shake is applied. Higher values produce faster movement.

The **Edge**T**ype****menu**determines how the filter produces new edges on the image as it shakes. For example, suppose the image is shaking vertically. As the image moves toward the top of the frame, the bottom edge of the image is raised above the bottom edge of the frame. The Edge Type setting determines how the filter creates pixels to fill the space between the bottom of the image and the bottom of the frame.

  • Mirrorproduces a mirror image copy of the pixels adjacent to the edge.
  • Blackproduces a solid black bar on the edge of the image.
  • Transpar**entleaves the space transparent, revealing the layers below.
  • Smearrepeats the pixels on the edge of the image, producing a smeared effect.
filmdamage.edge.mirror filmdamage.edge.smear
Edge Type=Mirror Edge Edge Type=Black Edge Edge Tyoe=Smear

The Position**Clamp**checkboxlimits the position variation so the image never moves fully offscreen.

Select the Grain**On**checkboxto add grain to the effect. If this option is deselected, the parameters in the Grain parameter group have no affect.

Grain Parameter Group

The grain parameters create noise which simulates the appearance of grain particles in the emulsion of movie film.

When the Monochromatic**checkboxis selected, the Red****Amoun**t,** Green****Amoun**t, and** Blue Amount**settings add luma noise to each color channel, creating a grayscale grain effect. When this checkbox is deselected, the Amount settings add colored noise to each color channel.

Monochrome On Monochrome Off
  • Note: For the most realistic film grain effects, select Monochromatic for grayscale images, and deselect this option when working with color footage.

Red**Amoun**t, Green**Amoun**t, and **Blue****Amount**adjust the amount of grain added to each respective color channel.

filmgrain.redamount.50 filmgrain.redamount.100
Red Amount=50 Red Amount=100

Red**Grain**Siz**e, Green****Grain**Siz**e**, and Blue**Grain**Sizeset the size of the grains in each respective color channel.

Select the Dirt**On**checkboxto add dirt spots to the effect. If this option is deselected, the parameters in the Dirt parameter group have no affect.

Dirt Parameter Group

The dirt parameters create spots which simulate dust, dirt, and water spots on film.

**Dirt****Density**sets the number of dirt spots in the effect. Higher values add more spots.

Dirt**Random**Seeddetermines which value is input to the random number generator used by the filter. Adjust this value when you like the overall effect but want to adjust the random configuration of the dirt spots.

Min**Dirt**Radiusand Max**Dirt**Radiusadjust the size of the dirt spots by setting a range of possible radius values for the spots. The spots created cannot have radii smaller than the Min Dirt Radius or larger than the Max Dirt Radius value.

**Dirt****Complexity**adjusts the complexity of the dirt spots in the image. Lower values produce spots with smoother edges and simpler shapes. Higher values produce more complex shapes with irregular edges.

filmdamage.dirtcomplex.1 filmdamage.dirtcomplex.10 filmdamage.dirtcomplex.20
Dirt Complexity=1 Dirt Complexity=10 Dirt Complexity=20

**Dirt****Gradient**adjusts the opacities of the centers of the dirt spots in relation to the edges of the spots. At a value of 0, the centers of the spots are fully transparent. Higher values increase the opacity of the centers. When Dirt Gradient is 20, the centers use the same opacity value as the edges.

The opacity of the edges of the spots is controlled by Min**Dirt**Opacityand **Max**Dirt**Opacit****y**. These parameters set a range of opacities which are used to create the spots.

Dirt**Black**Colorand the Dirt**White**Colorset the two colors used for the dirt spots. Select the Hair**On**checkboxto add hair to the effect. If this option is deselected, the parameters in the Hair parameter group have no affect.

Hair Parameter Group

These controls create short lines which simulate pieces of hair or another fibrous material on the film.

**Hair****Density**determines the number of hairs in the effect. Higher values add more hairs.

Hair**Random**Seeddetermines which value is input to the random number generator used by the filter. Adjust this value when you like the overall effect but want to adjust the random configuration of the hairs.

**Hair****Thickness**adjusts the thickness of the hair lines. Higher values produce thicker lines.

filmdamage.hairthick.0.25 filmdamage.hairthick.1.0
Hair Thickness=0.25 Hair Thickness=1.0

**Hair****Length**adjusts the vertical length of the pieces of hair.

Hair**W**idthadjusts the horizontal length of the pieces of hair. This value does not affect the thickness of the hair lines themselves.

filmdamage.hairwidth.10 filmdamage.hairwidth.25 filmdamage.hairwidth.50
Hair Width=10 Hair Width=25 Hair Width=50

The opacity of the hair lines is controlled by Min**Hair**Opacityand **Max**Hair**Opacit****y**. These parameters set a range of opacities which are used to create the hair lines.

Select the Scratches**On**checkboxto add scratches to the effect. If this option is deselected, the parameters in the Scratches parameter group have no affect.

Scratches Parameter Group

These parameters create vertical lines in the image which simulate scratches in the emulsion of film.

**Scratch****Density**determines the number of scratches in the effect. Higher values add more scratches.

filmdamage.scratchdense.10 filmdamage.scratchdense.25 filmdamage.scratchdense.50
Scratch Density=10 Scratch Density=25 Scratch Density=50

As the effect progresses, each scratch line moves around horizontally for a period of time, the disappears. Min**Lifetimesets the minimum amount of time a scratch can remain onscreen, and Max****Lifetime**sets the maximum amount of time.

Scratch**Random**Seeddetermines which value is input to the random number generator used by the filter. Adjust this value when you like the overall effect but want to adjust the random configuration of the scratch lines.

Scratch**W**idthadjusts the thickness of the scratch lines. Higher values produce thicker lines.

The opacity of the scratch lines is controlled by Min**Scratch**Opacityand Max**Scratch Opacit**y. These parameters set a range of opacities which are used to create the scratch lines.

**Scratch****Speed**adjusts the rate at which scratches move horizontally. Increasing positive values move the scratches faster. Decreasing negative values slow the scratches.

Scratch**White**Colorand the Scratch**Black**Colorset the two colors used for the scratch spots.


The BCC PixelChooser provides simple, built-in masking of the effect result.  The PixelChooser is generally used to select a portion of the image and restrict an effect to just the selected area while maintaining the original image content in unselected regions.  The selection can be based on geometric shapes or on the image’s luma/color properties.

For more information on the PixelChooser, Click Here.

BCC+Wide Angle Lens
BCC+Video Glitch Dissolve
BCC+Three Strip
BCC+Split Tone
BCC+Split Field
BCC+Skin Tone
BCC+Selective Saturation
BCC+Radial Tint
BCC+Radial Exposure
BCC+Rack Focus
BCC+Optical Dissolve
BCC+Non-Additive Mix
BCC+Night Vision
BCC+ND Gradient
BCC+Math Composite
BCC+Low Contrast
BCC+Lens Flare
BCC+Lens Distortion
BCC+Key Light
BCC+Ice Halos
BCC+Holdout Composite
BCC+High Contrast
BCC+Harris Shutter
BCC+Glow Edges
BCC+Glow Darks
BCC+Film Stocks
BCC+Eye Light
BCC+Edge Composite
BCC+Dual Gradient
BCC+Double Fog
BCC+Depth of Field
BCC+Day for Night
BCC+Cross Processing
BCC+Colorize Gradient
BCC+Color Spot
BCC+Color Shadow
BCC+Color Paste
BCC+Color Infrared
BCC+Color Gradient
BCC+Chromatic Aberration
BCC+Chroma Bands
BCC+Center Spot
BCC+Camera Shake
BCC+Bleach Bypass
BCC+Black and White
BCC+Ambient Light
BCC+ Vignette
BCC+ Video Glitch
BCC+ Two Strip
BCC+ Spin Blur Dissolve
BCC+ Smear Blur
BCC+ Rays Dissolve
BCC+ Radial Blur
BCC+ Rack Focus Dissolve
BCC+ Prism Dissolve
BCC+ Prism
BCC+ Multi-Star Dissolve
BCC+ Magic Sharp
BCC+ Light Leaks Dissolve
BCC+ Light Leaks
BCC+ Haze
BCC+ Fluorescent
BCC+ Flashing
BCC+ Film Grunge
BCC+ Film Glow Dissolve
BCC+ Film Glow
BCC+ F-Stop
BCC+ Dissolve
BCC+ Directional Blur Dissolve
BCC+ Directional Blur
BCC+ Cross Zoom Dissolve
BCC+ Crash Zoom Dissolve
BCC+ Composite
BCC+ Channel Blur YUV
BCC+ Channel Blur Dissolve
BCC+ Channel Blur
BCC+ Camera Shake Dissolve
BCC+ Blur
BCC+ Beauty Studio
BCC Z-Blur
BCC Z Space II
BCC Z Space I
BCC Wooden Planks
BCC Wood Grain
BCC WitnessProtection
BCC Wire Remover
BCC Wild Cards
BCC Weave
BCC Wave
BCC Water Waves Dissolve
BCC Water Color
BCC Warp
BCC VR Sharpen
BCC VR Reorient
BCC VR Insert
BCC VR Flicker Fixer
BCC Vignette Wipe
BCC Vignette
BCC VideoScope
BCC Video Morph
BCC Video Glitch
BCC Velocity Remap
BCC Veined Marble
BCC Vector Displacement
BCC Vector Blur Dissolve
BCC User Guide
BCC Unsharp Mask
BCC Type On Text
BCC Two Way Key
BCC Two Strip Color
BCC Twister
BCC Twirl
BCC Turbulence
BCC Tritone Dissolve
BCC Tritone
BCC Trails Basic
BCC Trails
BCC Title Studio
BCC Time Displacement
BCC Tile Wipe
BCC Tile Mosaic
BCC Textured Wipe
BCC Temporal Blur
BCC Swish Pan
BCC Super Blend
BCC Steel Plate
BCC Stars
BCC Star Matte
BCC Stage Light
BCC Spray Paint Noise
BCC Spotlight
BCC Spiral Blur
BCC Spin Blur Dissolve
BCC Spill Remover
BCC Sphere Transition
BCC Sphere
BCC Sparks
BCC Snow
BCC Smooth Tone
BCC Sequencer
BCC Scatterize
BCC Scanline
BCC Safe Colors
BCC Rough Glow
BCC Rock
BCC Ripple Dissolve
BCC Ripple
BCC Rings Wipe
BCC Ribbon Wipe
BCC RGB Pixel Noise
BCC RGB Displacement Dissolve
BCC RGB Blur Dissolve
BCC Reverse Spotlight
BCC Reptilian
BCC Remover
BCC Reframer
BCC Reflection
BCC Rectangular Wipe
BCC Rays Wedge
BCC Rays Textured
BCC Rays Streaky
BCC Rays Ripply
BCC Rays Ring
BCC Rays Radiant Spotlight
BCC Rays Radiant Edges
BCC Rays Puffy
BCC Rays Dissolve
BCC Rays Cartoon
BCC Rain
BCC Radial Wipe
BCC Radial Blur
BCC Pyramid Blur
BCC Prism Dissolve
BCC Prism
BCC Primatte Studio
BCC Presets
BCC Premult
BCC Preferences
BCC Posterize Time
BCC Posterize
BCC Polar Displacement
BCC PixelChooser – Legacy
BCC Pixel Fixer
BCC Pixel Chooser
BCC Pinning Controls
BCC Pin Art 3D
BCC Pencil Sketch
BCC Particle System
BCC Particle Illusion Dissolve
BCC Particle Illusion
BCC Particle Emitter 3D
BCC Particle Array 3D
BCC Pan And Zoom
BCC Page Turn
BCC Overview in Resolve
BCC Overview in FCP
BCC Overview in Avid
BCC Overview in Adobe
BCC Organic Strands
BCC Optical Stabilizer
BCC Optical Flow
BCC Noise Reduction
BCC Noise Map 2
BCC Noise Map
BCC MultiTone Mix
BCC Multi Stripe Wipe
BCC Multi Stretch Wipe
BCC Multi Shadow
BCC Motion Tracker Vegas
BCC Motion Tracker Resolve
BCC Motion Tracker Red
BCC Motion Tracker PRM
BCC Motion Tracker Motion
BCC Motion Tracker FCP
BCC Motion Tracker Avid
BCC Motion Tracker AE
BCC Motion Tracker
BCC Motion Key
BCC Motion Blur
BCC Mosaic
BCC Morph
BCC Mixed Colors
BCC Misalignment
BCC Median
BCC Matte Cleanup
BCC Matte Choker
BCC Match Move
BCC Match Grain
BCC Make Alpha Key
BCC Magic Sharp
BCC Looper
BCC Linear Wipe
BCC Linear Luma Key
BCC Linear Color Key
BCC Lightning
BCC Light Zoom
BCC Light Wrap
BCC Light Wipe
BCC Light Sweep
BCC Light Matte
BCC Light Leaks Dissolve
BCC Light Leaks
BCC Levels Gamma
BCC Lens Transition
BCC Lens Shape
BCC Lens Flash
BCC Lens Flare Spiked
BCC Lens Flare Round
BCC Lens Flare Dissolve
BCC Lens Flare Advanced
BCC Lens Flare 3D
BCC Lens Distortion Wipe
BCC Lens Correction
BCC Lens Blur Dissolve
BCC Lens Blur
BCC Layer Deformer
BCC Laser Beam
BCC Kaleida Dissolve
BCC Jitter Basic
BCC Jitter
BCC Invert Solarize
BCC Hue-Sat-Lightness
BCC Halftone
BCC Grunge
BCC Grid Wipe
BCC Granite
BCC Gradient
BCC Glow Matte
BCC Glow Alpha Edges
BCC Glitter
BCC Glint
BCC Glare
BCC Gaussian Blur
BCC FX Browser
BCC Fractal Noise
BCC Flutter Cut
BCC Flicker Fixer
BCC Fire
BCC Film Process
BCC Film Grain
BCC Film Glow Dissolve
BCC Film Glow
BCC Film Damage
BCC Fast Lens Blur
BCC Fast Flipper
BCC Fast Film Process
BCC Fast Film Glow Dissolve
BCC Fast Film Glow
BCC Extruded Text
BCC Extruded Spline
BCC Extruded EPS
BCC Emboss
BCC Effects List
BCC Edge Lighting
BCC Edge Grunge
BCC Edge Cleaner
BCC Dv Fixer
BCC Dust and Scratches
BCC Dropout Fixer
BCC Drop Shadow
BCC Displacement Map
BCC Directional Blur
BCC DeNoise
BCC Deinterlace
BCC DeGrain
BCC Damaged TV Dissolve
BCC Damaged TV
BCC Cylinder
BCC Curl Dissolve
BCC Curl
BCC Cube
BCC Cross Zoom
BCC Cross Melt
BCC Cross Glitch
BCC Criss-Cross Wipe
BCC Crash Zoom Dissolve
BCC Correct Selected Color
BCC Corner Pin Studio
BCC Corner Pin
BCC Composite Dissolve
BCC Composite Choker
BCC Composite
BCC Compare Mode
BCC Common Controls - Avid
BCC Common Controls
BCC Comet
BCC Colorize Glow Dissolve
BCC Colorize Glow
BCC Colorize
BCC Color Palette
BCC Color Match
BCC Color Correction
BCC Color Choker
BCC Color Balance
BCC Clouds
BCC Cloth
BCC Chroma Key Studio
BCC Chroma Key
BCC Checker Wipe
BCC Charcoal Sketch
BCC Caustics
BCC Cast Shadow
BCC Cartooner
BCC Cartoon Look
BCC Burnt Film
BCC Bump Map
BCC Bulge
BCC Broadcast Safe
BCC Brightness-Contrast
BCC Brick
BCC Boost Blend
BCC Blur Dissolve
BCC Blur
BCC Blobs Wipe
BCC Beauty Studio
BCC Beat Reactor Integrated
BCC Beat Reactor
BCC AVX Licensing
BCC Artists Poster
BCC Apply Modes
BCC Alpha Spotlight
BCC Alpha Process
BCC Alpha Pixel Noise
BCC AE Licensing
BCC 3D Image Shatter
BCC 3D Extruded Image Shatter
BCC 3 Way Color Grade
BCC 2D Particles
BCC+ Atmospheric Glow