BCC+Black and White

BCC Color & Tone

The BCC+ Black and White filter converts color images to black and white simulating the look of Black and White photographic filters.

Presets and the FX Editor

The FX Editor provides a convenient way to store and retrieve factory installed and/or user generated filter presets. To select a preset, open the FX Editor interface and pick one from the Presets panel. Click the apply button in the FX Editor to return to the host user interface.

To save a custom preset, click the “Create Custom Preset” icon in the top right corner of the parameter list, next to the filter name, set a name for the new custom preset in the dialog that appears and click done.

Filter Parameters

Filter: The Filter pop-up selects the type of black and white filter to be applied to your color image.

  • Normal: Converts the color image to a monochrome image.
  • Red: Simulates a red filter in black and white photography.
  • Green: Simulates a green filter in black and white photography.
  • Blue: Simulates a blue filter in black and white photography.
  • Yellow: Simulates a yellow filter in black and white photography.
  • Orange: Simulates an orange filter in black and white photography.

Brightness: Adjusts the brightness of the image. Positive values brighten, negative values darken.

Contrast: Adjusts the contrast of the image. Positive values increase contrast, negative values decrease contrast.

Gamma: Adjusts the gamma of the image. The gamma adjustment leaves the white and black points the same and only modifies the values in-between. Positive values lighten the midtones, negative values darken the midtones.

PixelChooser: The BCC PixelChooser provides a way for the user to select which pixels in the filtered source are actually going to be affected by the filter, via the generation of image based mattes, gradient mattes and vector shape masks. Mocha planar tracking and vector shape masking options are included in the PixelChooser, which allows for the generation of motion-tracked mask shapes as a hold-back mask.

For more information on the PixelChooser, Click Here.

Working with The Filter

  1. Apply BCC+ Black and White from the BCC Color and Tone unit category.
  2. Click the BCC FX Editor button from the Effects and Presets banner. The FX Editor user interface opens and consists of Presets, Parameters and Viewer windows.
  3. Try out some of the presets.
  4. From the Filter pop-up, select the type of black and white filter to be applied to your color image.Your choice of filter can dramatically change the black and white result.
  5. Use the Brightness, Contrast and Gamma controls to further adjust the image.
  6. Click the Done icon to return to the host application.

The values of the parameter adjustments in the FX Editor user interface are transferred to your host application.

BCC+Selective Saturation
BCC+Low Contrast
BCC+High Contrast

BCC+Black and White
BCC+ Haze
BCC+ Fluorescent
BCC+ F-Stop
BCC VideoScope
BCC Tritone
BCC Safe Colors

BCC MultiTone Mix
BCC Levels Gamma
BCC Invert Solarize
BCC Hue-Sat-Lightness

BCC Correct Selected Color
BCC Colorize
BCC Color Match
BCC Color Correction
BCC Color Balance
BCC Brightness-Contrast
BCC 3 Way Color Grade