Jason Boone of No Film School and Boone Loves Video shows how to naturally retouch skin using Continuum’s Beauty Studio inside his Adobe After Effects workflow.
Beauty Studio can be found in Continuum, the Continuum Image Restoration Unit, and the Beauty Studio Premium Filter.
Product specialist Elizabeth Postol demystifies head tracking using a speedy combination of the new Mask ML tool and other automated features, applyin...
SynthEyes 2025: Fast and Automated Head Tracking
Product manager Moritz Fortmann shares top project organization tips using three essential new SynthEyes tools: Project Selector, Project Tag Manager,...
SynthEyes 2025: Optimize Your Matchmove Pipeline
SynthEyes’ new Multi-Export interface helps you easily take your matchmoved scene and objects and automate the export process to multiple files. Creat...
SynthEyes 2025: Streamline VFX Workflows with Multi-Export