In this one hour tutorial. Toolfarm’s Pluginologist Michele Terpstra guides
Adobe Premiere Pro users through building a reality show style opening title
sequence using the new Boris Continuum Complete 10. Topics covered: 3D
titling, light leaks, glitch, color grading & transitions.
Filters Used Include: Extruded Text, Particle Emitter 3D, Title Studio, Light
Leaks, Light Leaks Dissolve, Video Glitch, Cross Glitch, Fast Film Process,
Two Strip Color, Fast Film Glow
Featured Units: 3D Objects, Particles, Lights, Transitions, Stylize, Film
Style, Color & Tone
Product manager Martin Brennand shares how to track multiple sides of a 3D moving object and solve it as one and what you should consider when tackli...
Mocha Pro: Grouping Tracks for Moving Objects