Mocha Pro Tracking Export to Silhouette 2020

Date: December 13, 2019 | Duration: | Views: | Likes:

Export planar tracking data from Mocha Pro to Silhouette.

New to Boris FX Mocha Pro 2020 is the ability to export tracking data in a format that can be copied and pasted directly into Silhouette 2020 for advanced effects, paint and rotoscoping workflows.

This new feature was added to the latest Mocha Pro and Silhouette 2020.02 point releases (Dec 2019). Mocha Pro 2020 standalone and plug-in options for Adobe, Avid and OFX now have the Silhouette tracking export option.

Learn more about the Mocha Pro and Silhouette Bundle for the most advanced paint, roto and tracking power!

Download the latest Mocha and Silhouette point releases.