Mocha Pro 2019.5 Release Overview

Date: June 5, 2019 | Duration: | Views: | Likes:

Boris FX releases Mocha Pro 2019.5 on June 5, 2019. In this quick video, Mocha Product Manager Martin Brennand takes you through the new features:

  • Flame 2020 Support: The Mocha Pro OFX plugin now supports Flame 2020
  • Edge-Snapping: Select points and press Alt+S keys to snap those points to the nearest edge, or hold S to drag-snap
  • After Effects CC Power Pin Export: We now export corner pins to the Power Pin effect
  • Layout Manager: You can now save, modify and order layouts from the View menu. Any new layouts you create will appear in the workspace drop down
  • Autosave now has backups: You can now iterate autosaves to make sure minimal work is lost. Autosaves are no longer removed on exit to the host.
  • Spline and Matte rendering performance improvements: Projects with many layers or control points now render much faster to screen. Mattes also render much faster.

Mocha Pro 2019.5 is a free update to all customers on a current upgrade & support plan or annual subscription.