Mocha Lens Module Quick Look

June 19, 2014

TheLens Module is found in Mocha Pro 5 stand alone and plug-in option.
This video is a quick overview of the features. The Lens Module was designed
to calibrate distortion introduced by camera lenses. Unwanted lens distortion
can be removed or matched for realistic compositing and renders. Export to the
free Mocha Lens plug-in for Adobe After Effects or exportdistortion data
(ST Maps) for Nuke, Flame, Fusion and more. Features:

  • Line Detection Calibration: Accurately solve distortion with a few mouse clicks
  • Solves Distortion: 1 parameter, 2 parameter and anamorphic and center point solvers
  • Import: Import external grids or Distortion Maps
  • Export to After Effects: with the free Mocha Lens plug-in
  • Render Distortion Maps: Export a rendered distortion map for applications like Nuke, Flame and Fusion*
  • Render Distort/Undistorted: Render corrected footage directly out of Mocha Pro*

The Lens Module is found inMocha Pro. (compare products