Content Aware Fill + Mocha

April 24, 2019

Learn how Adobe After Effects’ new “Content-Aware Fill” feature can be enhanced by using the Mocha AE CC plug-in for tracked masks.

Content Aware-Fill requires at least one mask to cover the object you want to remove. Mocha AE is bundled free with Adobe After Effects and it’s powerful planar tracking engine speeds up all roto-masking projects.

Optionally, the Mocha Pro 2019 plug-in from Boris FX features advanced tools for object removal on most difficult shots. Mocha Pro’s “Remove Module” has been used on thousands of films and television shows for object removals, stunt wire removals, and clean-ups.

Mocha Pro supports both Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, as well as Avid, Nuke, HitFilm, Vegas Pro and Fusion.

Thanks to Pond5 for sharing stock footage!