Why is my footage blank, black, white, or one frame long?

Tags: Mocha Pro , Support FAQ

There are certain types of codecs and file types that Mochadoes not support, usually native, unprocessed codecs off of cameras and AVIs on Windows. You mayneed to convert the file to something Mochasupports, such asquicktime or an image sequence. If your screen is black or white for clips but not for images, it is most likely the codec for the movie files that is causing the issue. View Documentation: supported file list Other troubleshooting tips:
  • Double-check that your quicktime drivers, codecs, and video card drivers are up to date, and that quicktime can open the file.
  • Try changing your codec to a more widespread codec. Usually any other quicktime format like animation, h.264, or JPEG compression should work, or another type of common .avi compression.
  • If the footage loads in quicktime but not in Mocha, try converting the clip to a file we know for sure that Mocha recognizes, like a TIFF or JPEG sequence, to test and make sure that Mocha is running properly.


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