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Synthia™ User Manual for

SynthEyes 2024.5

(c)2014-2024 Boris FX, Inc.


Introduction The Synthia Window Synthia Commands as a Script Talking to Synthia What Can Synthia Do? Some Initial Examples Areas of Competency What Can I Say? Can I See All the Rules? Rules What's a Nonterminal? Basic Parts of a Rule Finding Rules Defining Rules Life of a Rule Substitutions in "Means" MetaObjects, MetaAttributes, and More MetaObject MetaAttribute MetaValue Named MetaValues Getting a MetaAttribute's Current Value Changing a MetaAttribute's Value MetaVerbs: More Changes Animated MetaAttributes Adjective Forms: I'm Talking About You Defining Adjectives Put It Where? Do It Like This: Procedures Operating SynthEyes by 'Remote Control' Rooms Menu Commands Windows Rules, Herded About Synthia and the Cloud Who Am I? House Rules Rule Upgrades, and More When Things Go Wrnggg Sorry, I Can't Understand Multiple Interpretations Nothing Is Happening Too Much Is Happening Some Things We Haven't Told You About Input Substitutions MetaObject Hierarchy Ambiguous Named Metavalues Control Flow Statements Events Contexts Mathematical and Selection Precedences Marks Future Lessons for Synthia Appendix 1: Microphone and Speech Setup Windows Setup Windows Setup Selecting a Voice Synthesizer Pronunciation OS X Setup Linux Setup "Do it now!" Control Voice Output Appendix 2: Answers to Exercises Q: look at the right-click menu. Q: Try the nice day example above, then control-up-arrow. Q: What is camera01's field of view? Q: Define stop loudly to stop playing and say the final frame number. Q: What are the room names? Q: How many colors are there? Q: What is the plural of mesh? How does Synthia know? Q: Try the obvious Q: What nonterminal matches an outcome? What else matches it? Q: Find some ways to minimize Synthia with rules using `LLhide` Q: Find alternate forms with rules meaning shut down. Q: How many rules have you created? Q: define half time as click half speed instead. What is the left-hand nonterminal now? Q: Make the sentence help me open Synthia's pdf manual. Q: Create a rule that restores the current value of the scene's multiple export settings, so that you can create and switch among different sets. Q: Where else might you want to use a variation on current value in the putback rule above? Q: How can you delete the last rule you created, if it is wrong? Q: Create a noisy lock verb, to lock a tracker then what's been done. Q: How many metaattributes does a camera have? Q: How can you talk about a vector at specific coordinates? Q: Find the internal rules associated with a tracker's location. Q: Find the possible values of a tracker's axis lock metaattribute. Q: Make all trackers unlocked and far—but a little quicker. Q: Find all the hidden metaattributes, and how to hide one. Q: List all the metaverbs Q: What if you don't want to export some trackers? Q: How do you set the value on one frame from a value on another? Q: What does flash red and blue trackers really mean? Q: What does flash trackers that are red and blue do? Q: Find ten longest-lived trackers Q: Short-lived trackers aren't as reliable; create an adjective to find them. Q: Use a far tracker to position a distant light Q: Make teapot 1 twice as far from the origin Q: You made 10 teapots with Duplicate Mesh. Twist them 45 degrees. Q: Define a rule to easily translate the whole scene by a vector. Q: Check out the various forms of transform whole. Q: Create a less redundant version using otherwise or return. Q: Add a center tracker to be clicked in the middle of the favorites. Q: Define your own multi-step procedure. Q: Tell Synthia to reset to the Solver room if there is no current room. Q: For illustration only, determine if it is a stereo shot via the Shot menu. Q: What action id might be handy for a tea party? Q: What does the sentence go! do? Q: Create a mesh, open the Duplicate Mesh script, then look at its children. Q: What's different if you then click control-up-arrow in the text entry window? Q: Define a procedure to show all a window's children, and their children... Q: How does click ok work? What effect can that have? Q: Turn on Corners on the Summary Panel, regardless of its prior state. Q: Click the Set Seed button on the Coordinates panel using its id. Q: The better approach: define a procedure for Set Seed directly. Q: Make an equivalent to create cones. Why is it less useful? Q: Turn on the cloud system. Q: Try the example just given. Q: Find the synthia_my_rules.sia file and read what's in it. Q: exit from Synthia, find synthia.xml, delete it, start Synthia, and watch the rebuild. Q: Find the existing input substitutions Q: Define input substitutions for a SynthEyes/Synthia word to correct common misspellings that are not valid words. Use the cloud! Q: Anything in Synthia about cubes? Q: What kinds of meshes are there? Q: List all possible solvermodes. Q: List all possible goldenvalues. How many are there really? Q: Locate and use the additional forms of for each. Q: Say the number of selected trackers when the selection changes. Q: What are the rules for the os x context? Q: What are synonyms for os x? Q: Create snarky rules for what's under the hood? for each operating system. Q: Delete those three rules. Q: Write 1+2*3 to get 9 without changing the order of the numbers. Q: How can you list private rules? Q: Synthia contains magic. Find it. Appendix 3: From the Trenches Delete a GeoH Object But Not Its Children Mo-Cap Retargeting Selecting the Targets of All Links Swapping Lock Coordinates Flipping Lock Coordinates #2 Rotating Lock Coordinates #3 Rounding the Lock Coordinates #4 Setting Lock Distance Export Only Some Random Trackers Make a Tracker Stationary Animate Object from Path on Mesh Alignment Gags Rescale a Mesh Via Tracker to Tracker Distance Make a Jittery Camera Stand Still Generate Sections of a Shot Remove Constraints from Non-Seed Trackers Convert Tracker Links to Constants Copy Solved Roll Angle to GeoH Lock Roll Angle Skip Several Frames in a Solve

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