More Navigation Details

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More Navigation Details

The center of the orbit will be selected from the first (lowest-numbered) applicable item in the following list:

1. the net center of all selected trackers, or in place mode, about their seed point,

2. the net center of all selected meshes,

3. the center of any selected object or light,

4. the net center of all selected vertices in the current edit mesh (more on that later), or

5. around a point in space directly ahead of the camera.

HINT : if you are trying to orbit around selected vertices and it is not working as expected, do a control-D/command-D to clear the current (tracker and mesh) selection.

You can see which motion will happen by looking at the top-left of the perspective window at the text display.

The shift key will create a finer motion of any of these types.

The mouse’s scroll wheel will dolly in and out if the perspective window is not locked to the camera, or if it is, it will change the current time. If locked, shift-scrolling will zoom the time bar.

If you hold down the Z or ‘/” (apostrophe/double-quote) key when left-clicking, the mouse mode will temporarily change to be navigation mode; the mode will switch back

when the mouse button is released. You can also switch to navigate mode using the ‘N’ key. So it is always easy to navigate and quick to navigate without having to move the mouse to select a different mode.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.