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The SimulTrack view contains any number of tiles laid out in a grid pattern. Tiles are shown for selected trackers on their keyed frames, and on the current frame.


This tile corresponds to frame 142 of Tracker88. Clicking on the frame number will send the SynthEyes user interface to frame 142.

Tip : You can select a larger tile size via the Bigger tiles menu item on the right- click menu. The sizes of the normal and bigger tiles may be set in the SimulTrack section of the preferences.

The tracker name is listed at the bottom of the pane; clicking the name will select (only) this tracker. Shift-clicking the name will un-select the tracker, removing it from the SimulTrack display (useful when many are selected). Either way, clicking on the tracker name will also flash the tracker in the other viewports, to make it easier to find elsewhere.

The parentheses "()" around the tracker name indicate that it is locked; use the right-click menu to change that. The underline below the tracker name shows the specific color that has been assigned to this tracker, if any.

The wide rim indicates that there is a tracker position key on this frame, and the blue color means that this frame (142) is the current active frame in the main user interface.

Normally only frames with keys are shown in the SimulTrack view (this can be a lot for auto-tracked trackers), so that the user-created keys can quickly be examined

and modified during supervised tracking. The space between keys can be expanded to show intervening unkeyed frames by clicking on the gutter, or by using various right- menu commands.

Tip : clicking in the gutter or using a right-click expand menu operation makes a difference only on keyed tiles.

The light and dark blue curves overlaid on the tile show the figure-of-merit (FOM) and 3-D error curves of the tracker between this key and the next. The curves can be enabled or disabled from the right-click menu.

Dragging the interior of a key, or dragging the offset marker, has the same effect as it does within the tracker mini-view of the Tracker panel, setting a position or offset key. Use control to slow down the movement of the tracker for more accurate repositioning. Spot or symmetry trackers will snap to the best nearby location (within two pixels). Hold down ALT/Command to suppress snapping.

Similar to, but not identical to, the tracker mini-view, shift-right-click within a tile to add or remove a position key on that frame. Right-clicking brings up the right-click menu, so shift-right is needed in SimulTrack, whereas plain right-click is used in the tracker mini-view, which has no right-click menu.

Clicking on the "S" at the upper-right of a tile will turn on or off the strobe setting for that frame. When strobing is enabled, the tile will sequence rapidly between the image of the prior key, the current frame, and the following key.

Hovering over a tile will bring up a tooltips with statistics on the tracker.

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