Tutorial: Tip Bundle 01

February 28, 2013

Imagineer Systems Product Manager Martin Brennand takes you though some of the
daily Mocha tips we’ve been posting to Twitter and Facebook. Learn more about
planar motion tracking, rotoscoping and vfx! Tips covered in this bundle: 1.
If your shape is about to go off screen, but you have more plane you can
track, add another shape with the “Add to Spline” tool. 2. Always scrub your
timeline a few times to see where your objects are going to end up! There may
be a better way start the track. 3. Don’t use one shape for complex roto! It
is better to break your work down into smaller shapes than deal with a
100-point spline. You can check out the daily tips here:
https://twitter.com/imagineersystem Or here:
https://www.facebook.com/ImagineerSystems We always post under #Mochatips