Color Management
Cineon/DPX Working Colorspace
Controls whether or not Cineon and DPX images are converted to scene linear.
Converts the Cineon/DPX images to scene linear.
Cineon/DPX images are kept in log space.
Note: After changing this preference, you must restart Silhouette for changes to take effect as the value is cached.
Warning: It is not a good idea to change this preference in the middle of a paint session, since when in Linear mode, it physically alters the pixels on import/export.
OCIO Configuration
This preference is a path to a global configuration file to use. The default is “$(OCIO)”. Silhouette will initially look for $SFX_OCIO and will use that first. Otherwise, it will use whatever the configuration preference is set to and finally it will check for $OCIO. If it still can't find a configuration, it will fall back to the embedded configuration in the resources/ocio folder.