silhouette-2024 : Nodes : Retime ML
Retime ML
A machine learning motion estimation and retiming model that produces smooth motion. Expands or contracts the timing of a selected range of frames.
Node Group
Speed %
Retimes based on a speed percentage.
Source Frame
Retimes based on a specified source frame.
Speed %
50% is twice as slow, a value of 100 does nothing, and a value of 200 is twice as fast. Negative values move in reverse.
Source Frame
Set the speed based on the source frames. Set Source Frame keyframes at various points in time.
Note: Ease in/out is available for both Speed % and Source Frame keyframes in the Timeline.
Shows the retimed duration in frames.
Set Session Duration
Sets the session duration to the speed adjusted duration.
Note: Duration and Set Session Duration are not available when using Source Frame or when keyframing Speed %.