silhouette-2024.5 : Nodes : Cross Processing
Cross Processing
Cross-processing is a photographic technique where print film (C41) is processed in the set of chemicals usually used to process slide film (E6) or vice versa. The final result yields images with oddly skewed colors and increased contrast and saturation.
Node Group
Film Lab.
To select a preset, choose one from the Presets tab.
Sets the intensity of the cross process effect.
You can use Curves to adjust the entire tonal range of an image by changing the shape of the curve. Shadows are adjusted on the left, midtones in the middle and highlights on the right.
Adjusts the RGB values and has the effect of brightening or darkening the image.
Adjusts the red values in the image.
Adjusts the green values in the image.
Adjusts the blue values in the image.
Selecting Curves
Select one of the RGB, Red, Green or Blue buttons.
Click directly on an existing curve in the graph to select it.
Adding and Deleting Points:
Click directly on the curve to add a new point. Up to five points can be added.
Points can be deleted by clicking and dragging a point to the edge of the graph.
Adjusting Points:
Moving a point in the bottom portion of the curve adjusts the shadows.
Moving a point in the center of the curve adjusts the midtones.
Moving a point in the top portion of the curve adjusts the highlights.
Moving the curve upward or downward lightens or darkens the image. The steeper sections of the curve represent areas of higher contrast; flatter sections represent areas of lower contrast.
To darken highlights, move a point near the top of the curve downward. Moving a point either down or to the right maps the input value to a lower output value, and the image darkens.
To lighten the shadows, move a point near the bottom of the curve upward. Moving a point either up or to the left maps a lower input value to a higher output value, and the image lightens.
Pan/Zoom the Curves
Middle-mouse-drag pans the curves.
Alt-Middle-mouse-left/right-drag zooms the curve horizontally.
Alt-Middle-mouse-up/down-drag zooms the curve vertically.
Globally adjusts the RGB curve.
Globally adjusts the Red curve.
Globally adjusts the Green curve.
Globally adjusts the Blue curve.