Black Silk
Gives a silky-smooth look to textured surfaces, suppresses facial blemishes and wrinkles, while maintaining a clear, focused image. Creates a diffused image that doesn't look like it's been shot through a filter.
Gold Silk
Offers all the benefits of the Black Silk filter, but also infuses special warmth by adding a soft, golden tint to shadows.
Node Group
To select a preset, choose one from the Presets tab. If you would like to view presets from a different category, use the pop-up menu at the top left of the Presets tab.
Fine image details, such as facial wrinkles and blemishes, are minimized using edge aware smoothing.
Color Correct
Go to the Color Correct node to see how the Color Correct controls work.
A matte can be used to limit the smoothing effect. Wherever there is white in the matte is where the smoothing will occur. Go to the Matte parameters to see how they work.