Adds simulated digital camera grain to the image.
Film Lab.
To select a preset, choose one from the Presets tab.
Grain Amp
Scales the amplitude of the grain that is added to the result. Set to 0 to disable all grain.
Grain Size
Scales the size of the grain that is added to the result. Useful when changing resolution, set this scale factor to match the change in resolution.
Grain Blur
The grain is smoothed by this amount. Increase for coarser grain.
Channel Amp
Grain Amp Red
Scales the red grain amplitude.
Grain Amp Green
Scales the green grain amplitude.
Grain Amp Blue
Scales the blue grain amplitude.
Note: Grain is added and subtracted from the image, so for example, increasing Grain Amp Blue will amplify both the blue and yellow speckles.
Channel Blur
Grain Blur Red
The relative blur of the red grain.
Grain Blur Green
The relative blur of the green grain.
Grain Blur Blue
The relative blur of the blue grain.
Grain Amp Darks
The relative amount of grain applied to the darkest regions of the image, per channel. Dark source intensity in the image is defined as black.
Grain Amp Mids
The relative amount of grain applied to the midtone regions of the image, per channel. Midtone source intensity in the image is defined by the Midtone Pos parameters.
Grain Amp Brights
The relative amount of grain applied to the brightest regions of the image, per channel. Bright source intensity in the image is defined as white.
Midtone Pos Red
The position of the midtones in the red channel. The red grain amplitude is interpolated from Grain Amp Darks at black to Grain Amp Mids at this midtone position then to Grain Amp Brights at white. This whole curve is then scaled by the Grain Amp Red parameter.
Midtone Pos Green
The position of the midtones in the green channel. The green grain amplitude is interpolated from Grain Amp Darks at black to Grain Amp Mids at this midtone position then to Grain Amp Brights at white. This whole curve is then scaled by the Grain Amp Green parameter.
Midtone Pos Blue
The position of the midtones in the blue channel. The blue grain amplitude is interpolated from Grain Amp Darks at black to Grain Amp Mids at this midtone position then to Grain Amp Brights at white. This whole curve is then scaled by the Grain Amp Blue parameter.
Grain Mono
When enabled, the same grain pattern is used for the red, green, and blue channels. To make truly monochrome grain, you should also set Grain Amp Red/Green/Blue equal to each other, make sure Midtone Pos Red/Green/Blue are equal, and if GrainBlur is positive, also set Grain Blur Red/Green/Blue to equal values.
Grain Seed
Initializes the random number generator for the grain generation. The actual seed value is not significant, but different seeds give different grain patterns and the same value should give a repeatable pattern.