.. module:: mocha.project .. _Parameter: Parameter ********* .. inheritance-diagram:: Parameter :parts: 2 Synopsis -------- Functions ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`__eq__` (rhs) * def :meth:`__ne__` (rhs) * def :meth:`delete_keyframe` (time, view) * def :meth:`get` ([time=double( UINT_MAX )[, view=View( 0 )]]) * def :meth:`get_keyframes` () * def :meth:`get_name_components` () * def :meth:`set` (val[, time=double( UINT_MAX )[, view=View( 0 )]]) Virtual functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`isNull` () Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: property_list * property :attr:`keyframes` [read-only] of list of 2-value tuples * property :attr:`name_components` [read-only] of list of str Detailed Description -------------------- Parameter instance associated with some data object of the project. .. class:: Parameter(Parameter) :type Parameter: :class:`mocha.project.Parameter` :type Parameter: :class:`mocha.project.Parameter` .. method:: Parameter.delete_keyframe(time, view) :type time: :class:`PySide.QtCore.double` :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :param time: time value for keyframed parameters. :param view: view value for non-keyframed and keyframed parameters. Drops keyframe for given ``time`` and ``view``. .. method:: Parameter.get([time=double( UINT_MAX )[, view=View( 0 )]]) :type time: :class:`PySide.QtCore.double` :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :rtype: object :param time: time value for keyframed parameters. :param view: view value for non-keyframed and keyframed parameters. :raise: **AssertionError** - if parameter with given name components does not exist. Returns a value of the parameter by given ``time`` and ``view`` if they are specified. For static parameters no need to specify ``time`` and ``view``. They are ignored in this case. If ``time`` is not specified for keyframed parameter - it will return static value for the parameter for given ``view``. .. method:: Parameter.get_keyframes() :rtype: list of QPairView,double .. method:: Parameter.get_name_components() :rtype: list of strings .. method:: Parameter.isNull() :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: Parameter.__ne__(rhs) :type rhs: :class:`mocha.project.Parameter` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: Parameter.__eq__(rhs) :type rhs: :class:`mocha.project.Parameter` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: Parameter.set(val[, time=double( UINT_MAX )[, view=View( 0 )]]) :type val: object :type time: :class:`PySide.QtCore.double` :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` .. attribute:: Parameter.name_components :type: list of str :access: read-only Provides access to the full parameter name list. .. attribute:: Parameter.keyframes :type: list of 2-value tuples :access: read-only Provides access to list of the parameter keyframes.