.. module:: mocha.project .. _LayerGroup: LayerGroup ********** .. inheritance-diagram:: LayerGroup :parts: 2 Synopsis -------- Functions ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`__eq__` (group) * def :meth:`find_layers` (name) * def :meth:`insert_child` (layer[, index=0]) * def :meth:`parameter` (name_components) * def :meth:`parameter_set` ([name_components=list()]) Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: property_list * property :attr:`layers` [read-only] of list of :class:`Layer` instances * property :attr:`locked` [read-write] of bool * property :attr:`matte_color` [read-write] of 3-items tuple of float values in range [0.0...1.0] * property :attr:`name` [read-write] of str * property :attr:`stroke_color` [read-write] of 3-items tuple of float values in range [0.0...1.0] * property :attr:`visibility` [read-write] of bool * property :attr:`z_order` [read-write] of int Detailed Description -------------------- Layer class which exposes primary layer group operations. .. class:: LayerGroup(LayerGroup) :type LayerGroup: :class:`mocha.project.LayerGroup` :type LayerGroup: :class:`mocha.project.LayerGroup` .. method:: LayerGroup.find_layers(name) :type name: unicode :rtype: list of Layer :param name: Layer name to search. Returns all layers in the group with given name from this group. .. method:: LayerGroup.insert_child(layer[, index=0]) :type layer: :class:`mocha.project.Layer` :type index: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :param layer: Layer instance which will be inserted to this group. :param index: Insertion index. The same as :meth:`Layer.set_parent`. .. method:: LayerGroup.__eq__(group) :type group: :class:`mocha.project.LayerGroup` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: LayerGroup.parameter(name_components) :type name_components: list of strings :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Parameter` :param name_components: Relative name for a requested parameter. :rtype: :class:`Parameter` Returns :class:`Parameter` instance bound with given name path. .. method:: LayerGroup.parameter_set([name_components=list()]) :type name_components: list of strings :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.ParameterSet` :param name_components: Relative name for a requested parameter set. :rtype: :class:`ParameterSet` Returns :class:`ParameterSet` instance bound with given name path. Pass an empty list ``[]`` to get access to the LayerGroup parameters set. .. attribute:: LayerGroup.name :type: str :access: read-write Provides access to group name. .. attribute:: LayerGroup.layers :type: list of :class:`Layer` instances :access: read-only Provides read-only access to list of all layers, sorted in increasing depth order (i.e. top to bottom). .. attribute:: LayerGroup.visibility :type: bool :access: read-write Provides access to group visibility. .. attribute:: LayerGroup.matte_color :type: 3-items tuple of float values in range [0.0...1.0] :access: read-write Provides access to group matte color. .. attribute:: LayerGroup.stroke_color :type: 3-items tuple of float values in range [0.0...1.0] :access: read-write Provides access to group stroke color. .. attribute:: LayerGroup.locked :type: bool :access: read-write Provides access to layer group locked state. .. attribute:: LayerGroup.z_order :type: int :access: read-write Provides access to Z order value.