.. module:: mocha.project .. _Clip: Clip **** .. inheritance-diagram:: Clip :parts: 2 Synopsis -------- Functions ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`__eq__` (rhs) * def :meth:`__ne__` (rhs) * def :meth:`add_stream` (first_clip_file, view, start_frame, stop_frame[, validate=false]) * def :meth:`apply` (stream_info[, view=View()]) * def :meth:`assign_project_view` (view, proj_view) * def :meth:`base_parameter_set` ([name_components=list()]) * def :meth:`delete_stream` (view) * def :meth:`export` (revertToClip, directory, extension, prefix, suffix, index_start, index_finish[, index_width=1[, views=list()[, separate_streams=false[, offset=0[, step=1]]]]]) * def :meth:`get_info` (view) * def :meth:`image` (frame[, view=View()[, allocate=false]]) * def :meth:`parameter` (name_components) * def :meth:`parameter_set` ([name_components=list()]) * def :meth:`relink` ([path=""[, prefix=""[, suffix=""[, start_frame=UINT_MAX[, end_frame=UINT_MAX[, view=View()]]]]]]) * def :meth:`relink` (stream_info[, view=View()]) Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: property_list * property :attr:`color_parameters` [read-write] of :class:`ColorParameters` * property :attr:`discrete_frames` [read-only] of tuple * property :attr:`first_frame_offset` [read-write] of int * property :attr:`frame_rate` [read-write] of float * property :attr:`frame_size` [read-write] of float * property :attr:`id` [read-only] of long * property :attr:`name` [read-only] of str * property :attr:`progress_watcher` [read-only] of :class:`ProgressWatcher` * property :attr:`view_mapping` [read-only] of dict of { :class:`View`: :class:`View` } * property :attr:`views` [read-only] of list of :class:`View` Detailed Description -------------------- Clip class which provides primary manipulations on clip. .. class:: Clip(clip_path[, clip_name="NewClip"[, validate=false[, width=0[, height=0[, length=0[, parent=NULL]]]]]]) :type clip_path: unicode :type clip_name: unicode :type validate: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :type width: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type height: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type length: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtCore.QObject` :param clip_path: Absolute path to first clip file. :param validate: Validate creating clip if set to True :param width: Clip width in pixels. :param height: Clip height in pixels. :param length: Clip length. :param parent: Parent object. Creates detached clip instance. :type width: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type validate: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :type height: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type length: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type clip_name: unicode :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtCore.QObject` :type clip_path: unicode .. method:: Clip.add_stream(first_clip_file, view, start_frame, stop_frame[, validate=false]) :type first_clip_file: unicode :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :type start_frame: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type stop_frame: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type validate: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :param first_clip_file: Absolute path to first clip file. :param view: Project view which is not used in this clip. :param start_frame: Start frame index for new stream. :param stop_frame: Stop frame index for new stream. :param validate: Validate adding stream if it is set to True. :raises IndexError: If project does not have given ``view``, or clip already has such view, or current frame range is invalid. :raises IOError: If given first_clip_file is inaccessible. Adds a new clip stream on unoccupied view. .. method:: Clip.apply(stream_info[, view=View()]) :type stream_info: :class:`mocha.project.StreamInfo` :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :param stream_info: Stream data which will be applied immediately. :param view: Clip view. Relinks clip without any checking. .. method:: Clip.assign_project_view(view, proj_view) :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :type proj_view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :param view: Clip view. :param proj_view: Project view. :raises: **IndexError** - If project does not contain the given proj_view or the clip does not. Assigns given clip view to given project view. See also: - :attr:`view_mapping` .. method:: Clip.base_parameter_set([name_components=list()]) :type name_components: list of strings :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.ParameterSet` :param name_components: Relative name for a requested parameter set. :rtype: :class:`ParameterSet` Returns :class:`ParameterSet` instance bound with given name path. Pass an empty list ``[]`` to get access to the base clip parameters set. .. method:: Clip.delete_stream(view) :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :param view: Clip view. :raises: **IndexError** - If the clip does not have the given ``view``. Deletes the stream for given ``view``. .. method:: Clip.export(revertToClip, directory, extension, prefix, suffix, index_start, index_finish[, index_width=1[, views=list()[, separate_streams=false[, offset=0[, step=1]]]]]) :type revertToClip: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :type directory: unicode :type extension: unicode :type prefix: unicode :type suffix: unicode :type index_start: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type index_finish: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type index_width: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type views: list of View :type separate_streams: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :type offset: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type step: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :param revert_to_clip: Revert to clip option. :param directory: Output clip directory. :param extension: File format extension. :param prefix: Prefix to add to exported clip. :param suffix: Suffix to append to exported clip. :param index_start: The starting index. :param index_stop: The ending index. :param index_width: Width of the sequence number, padded by zeroes. :param views: Views to export. :param offset: Frame offset for the exported image sequence. :param step: Step value. Exports current clip to filesystem directory. Same options provides mocha main menu item **File - Export Rendered Clip...** .. method:: Clip.get_info(view) :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.StreamInfo` :param view: Clip view. Returns stream info for given view. .. method:: Clip.image(frame[, view=View()[, allocate=false]]) :type frame: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :type allocate: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.ImageData` :param frame: Index of frame to query the source image from. :param view: View. :param allocate: If True and the clip has no image on given frame, the frame image will be allocated. :rtype: :class:`ImageData` Returns :class:`ImageData` instance bearing the pixel data and metainformation of the querying clip source image. Any changes made on the pixel data will immediately invalidate the image cache. .. method:: Clip.__ne__(rhs) :type rhs: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: Clip.__eq__(rhs) :type rhs: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: Clip.parameter(name_components) :type name_components: list of strings :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Parameter` :param name_components: Relative name for a requested parameter. :rtype: :class:`Parameter` Returns :class:`Parameter` instance bound with given name path. .. method:: Clip.parameter_set([name_components=list()]) :type name_components: list of strings :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.ParameterSet` :param name_components: Relative name for a requested parameter set. :rtype: :class:`ParameterSet` Returns :class:`ParameterSet` instance bound with given name path. Pass an empty list ``[]`` to get access to the Clip parameters set. .. method:: Clip.relink([path=""[, prefix=""[, suffix=""[, start_frame=UINT_MAX[, end_frame=UINT_MAX[, view=View()]]]]]]) :type path: unicode :type prefix: unicode :type suffix: unicode :type start_frame: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type end_frame: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :param path: Absolute path to first clip file. :param prefix: Clip prefix. :param suffix: Clip suffix. :param start_frame: Start frame number. :param end_frame: Stop frame number. :param view: View. Relinks current clip with given parameters. .. method:: Clip.relink(stream_info[, view=View()]) :type stream_info: :class:`mocha.project.StreamInfo` :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :param stream_info: :class:`StreamInfo` instance. :param view: View. Relinks current clip with given ```stream_info``` parameters. .. attribute:: Clip.name :type: str :access: read-only Provides access to clip name. .. attribute:: Clip.views :type: list of :class:`View` :access: read-only Provides access to clip views. .. attribute:: Clip.frame_size :type: float :access: read-write Provides access to clip frame size in pixels. .. attribute:: Clip.frame_rate :type: float :access: read-write Provides access to clip frame rate. .. attribute:: Clip.first_frame_offset :type: int :access: read-write Provides access to first frame offset. .. attribute:: Clip.color_parameters :type: :class:`mocha.project.ColorParameters` :access: read-write Provides access to clip color parameters object. .. attribute:: Clip.view_mapping :type: dict of { :class:`View`: :class:`View` } :access: read-only Provides access to view mapping as dict instance where keys are project views and values are clip views. See also: - :meth:`assign_project_view` .. attribute:: Clip.progress_watcher :type: :class:`mocha.project.ProgressWatcher` :access: read-only Provides access to the current progress watcher object of render operation. .. attribute:: Clip.id :type: long :access: read-only Provides access to the current clip ID. .. attribute:: Clip.discrete_frames :type: tuple :access: read-only Provides access to discrete frames of the clip instance.