.. module:: mocha.project .. _XControlPointData: XControlPointData ***************** .. inheritance-diagram:: XControlPointData :parts: 2 Synopsis -------- Functions ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`__eq__` (xcpd) Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: property_list * property :attr:`active` [read-write] of bool or NoneType * property :attr:`corner` [read-write] of bool or NoneType * property :attr:`edge_angle_ratio` [read-write] of float or NoneType * property :attr:`edge_width` [read-write] of float or NoneType * property :attr:`weight` [read-write] of float or NoneType * property :attr:`x` [read-write] of float or NoneType * property :attr:`y` [read-write] of float or NoneType Detailed Description -------------------- XControlPointData class. Provides access to individual parameters for each X-Spline contour control point. .. class:: XControlPointData([active=OptionalBool()[, corner=OptionalBool()[, x=OptionalFloat()[, y=OptionalFloat()[, weight=OptionalFloat()[, edge_width=OptionalFloat()[, edge_angle_ratio=OptionalFloat()]]]]]]]) :type active: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalBool` :type corner: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalBool` :type x: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type y: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type weight: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type edge_width: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type edge_angle_ratio: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :param active: Active state of keyframe. :param corner: Corner state of keyframe. :param x: X coordinate value of keyframe. :param y: Y coordinate value of keyframe. :param weight: Weight value of keyframe. :param edge_width: Edge width of keyframe. :param edge_angle_ratio: Edge angle ratio value of keyframe. Constructs new XControlPointData instance with given parameters. .. class:: XControlPointData(XControlPointData) :type XControlPointData: :class:`mocha.project.XControlPointData` :type x: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type y: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type edge_width: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type edge_angle_ratio: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` :type corner: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalBool` :type active: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalBool` :type XControlPointData: :class:`mocha.project.XControlPointData` :type weight: :class:`mocha.project.OptionalFloat` .. method:: XControlPointData.__eq__(xcpd) :type xcpd: :class:`mocha.project.XControlPointData` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. attribute:: XControlPointData.active :type: bool or NoneType :access: read-write Provides access to ``active`` state of keyframe. .. attribute:: XControlPointData.corner :type: bool or NoneType :access: read-write Provides access to ``corner`` state of keyframe. .. attribute:: XControlPointData.x :type: float or NoneType :access: read-write Provides access to ``X`` keyframe point coordinate. .. attribute:: XControlPointData.y :type: float or NoneType :access: read-write Provides access to ``Y`` keyframe point coordinate. .. attribute:: XControlPointData.weight :type: float or NoneType :access: read-write Provides access to ``weight`` value of keyframe. .. attribute:: XControlPointData.edge_width :type: float or NoneType :access: read-write Provides access to ``edge width`` value of keyframe. .. attribute:: XControlPointData.edge_angle_ratio :type: float or NoneType :access: read-write Provides access to ``edge angle ratio`` value of keyframe.