.. module:: mocha.project .. _Project: Project ******* .. inheritance-diagram:: Project :parts: 2 Synopsis -------- Functions ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`__eq__` (rhs) * def :meth:`__ne__` (rhs) * def :meth:`add_clip` (detached_clip, clip_name) * def :meth:`add_group` ([name=Project.tr( "New group" )[, layers=list()]]) * def :meth:`add_layer` (clip[, name=Project.tr( "New layer" )[, frame_number=0[, view=0]]]) * def :meth:`export_rendered_shapes` (layers, colorizeOutput, directory, extension, prefix, suffix, index_start, index_finish[, index_width=1[, views=list()[, separate_streams=false[, offset=0]]]]) * def :meth:`find_groups` (name) * def :meth:`find_layers` (name) * def :meth:`get_output_dir` () * def :meth:`layer` (layer_index) * def :meth:`new_output_clip` (input_clip, clip_name) * def :meth:`parameter` (name_components) * def :meth:`parameter_set` ([name_components=list()]) * def :meth:`render` (operation, start_index, stop_index[, layers=list()[, view=View(0)[, step=0]]]) * def :meth:`save` () * def :meth:`save_as` (file) * def :meth:`set_output_dir` (path[, validate=false]) * def :meth:`track_layers` ([start_index=0[, stop_index=UINT_MAX[, layers=list()[, views=list()]]]]) * def :meth:`undo_group` () Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: property_list * property :attr:`clips` [read-only] of dict of {unicode: :class:`Clip`} * property :attr:`default_hero_view` [read-write] of :class:`View` * property :attr:`default_trackable_clip` [read-only] of :class:`Clip` * property :attr:`first_frame_offset` [read-write] of int * property :attr:`frame_rate` [read-write] of float * property :attr:`groups` [read-only] of list of :class:`LayerGroup`'s * property :attr:`in_out_range` [read-write] of 2-values tuple of long * property :attr:`interlace_mode` [read-only] of :class:`InterlaceMode` * property :attr:`layers` [read-only] of list of :class:`Layer`'s * property :attr:`length` [read-write] of int * property :attr:`notes` [read-write] of unicode * property :attr:`playback_in_point` [read-write] of uint * property :attr:`playback_out_point` [read-write] of uint * property :attr:`progress_watcher` [read-only] of :class:`ProgressWatcher` * property :attr:`project_file` [read-only] of unicode * property :attr:`views` [read-write] of list of :class:`ViewInfo`'s Detailed Description -------------------- Main project class. Provides methods and properties for general project management of layers, groups, rendering and output directories. .. class:: Project(detached_clip[, interlace_mode=NotInterlaced[, parent=NULL]]) :type detached_clip: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :type interlace_mode: :attr:`mocha.project.InterlaceMode` :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtCore.QObject` :param detached_clip: Detached clip instance. :param interlace_mode: Interlace mode for creating clip. :param parent: Parent QObject or None. Creates a new mocha project from existing clip. .. class:: Project(project_file[, parent=NULL]) :type project_file: unicode :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtCore.QObject` :param project_file: Path to mocha project file. :param parent: Parent QObject or None. Opens existing mocha project. :type project_file: unicode :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtCore.QObject` :type interlace_mode: :attr:`mocha.project.InterlaceMode` :type detached_clip: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` .. method:: Project.add_clip(detached_clip, clip_name) :type detached_clip: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :type clip_name: unicode :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :param detached_clip: Detached clip instance. :param clip_name: New clip name to register. :rtype: :class:`Clip` Creates a copy of ``detached_clip`` and add this to the project. Returns the copy. .. method:: Project.add_group([name=Project.tr( "New group" )[, layers=list()]]) :type name: unicode :type layers: list of Layer :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.LayerGroup` :param name: Name for creating group. :param layers: Layers which will be added to new group. Creates and adds a new group of given ``layers``. New group will get the new ``name``. Example:: >>> proj.add_group('new_group', (layer1, layer2)) .. method:: Project.add_layer(clip[, name=Project.tr( "New layer" )[, frame_number=0[, view=0]]]) :type clip: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :type name: unicode :type frame_number: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type view: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Layer` :param clip: Clip instance which will contain new layer. :param name: Name for creating layer. :param frame_number: Number of frame where new layer is going to be added. :param view_index: View index. Creates a new layer with ``name`` and attaches it to ``clip`` starting from ``frame_number``. Example:: >>> proj.add_layer('new_group', (layer1, layer2)) .. method:: Project.export_rendered_shapes(layers, colorizeOutput, directory, extension, prefix, suffix, index_start, index_finish[, index_width=1[, views=list()[, separate_streams=false[, offset=0]]]]) :type layers: list of Layer :type colorizeOutput: :attr:`mocha.project.ColorizeOutput` :type directory: unicode :type extension: unicode :type prefix: unicode :type suffix: unicode :type index_start: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type index_finish: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type index_width: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type views: list of View :type separate_streams: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :type offset: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :param layers: Layers which will be exported. :param colorize_output: Colorize output option. :param directory: Output directory for rendered clip. :param extension: File extension for rendered clip. :param prefix: File prefix for rendered clip. :param suffix: File suffix for rendered clip. :param index_start: Start frame number. :param index_finish: Stop frame number. :param index_width: Digits count in clip index. :param views: Views to export. :param offset: Frame offset for the exported image sequence. Exports matte clip to file system ``directory``. This method represents mocha **File - Export Rendered Shapes...** dialog. .. method:: Project.find_groups(name) :type name: unicode :rtype: list of LayerGroup :param name: Group name for searching. Returns all groups with the given name. .. method:: Project.find_layers(name) :type name: unicode :rtype: list of Layer :param name: Layer name for searching. Returns all layers with the given name. .. method:: Project.get_output_dir() :rtype: unicode Returns path to the current output directory. .. method:: Project.layer(layer_index) :type layer_index: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Layer` :param layer_index: Layer index. Access a :class:`Layer` by ``layer_index``. Layers are indexed by their position in a flattened depth sorted list. If ``layer_index`` is out of range, :meth:`layer` should return :class:`None`. Example:: >>> print len(proj.layers) 4 >>> print proj.layer(0) >>> print proj.layer(4) None See also: - :meth:`find_layers` - :attr:`layers` .. method:: Project.new_output_clip(input_clip, clip_name) :type input_clip: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :type clip_name: unicode :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :param input_clip: Input clip instance. :param clip_name: New clip name to register. :rtype: :class:`Clip` Creates a new output clip. .. method:: Project.__ne__(rhs) :type rhs: :class:`mocha.project.Project` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: Project.__eq__(rhs) :type rhs: :class:`mocha.project.Project` :rtype: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` .. method:: Project.parameter(name_components) :type name_components: list of strings :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Parameter` :param name_components: Fully qualified name for a requested parameter. :rtype: :class:`Parameter` Returns :class:`Parameter` instance bound with given name path. The project instance is a root of the parameter system. .. method:: Project.parameter_set([name_components=list()]) :type name_components: list of strings :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.ParameterSet` :param name_components: Fully qualified name for a requested parameter set. :rtype: :class:`ParameterSet` Returns :class:`ParameterSet` instance bound with given name path. The project instance is a root of the parameter system. Pass an empty list ``[]`` to get access to the root. .. method:: Project.render(operation, start_index, stop_index[, layers=list()[, view=View(0)[, step=0]]]) :type operation: :class:`mocha.project.RenderOperation` :type start_index: :class:`PySide.QtCore.int` :type stop_index: :class:`PySide.QtCore.int` :type layers: list of Layer :type view: :class:`mocha.project.View` :type step: :class:`PySide.QtCore.int` :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :param render_operation: instance of some render operation. :param start_index: Start frame number. :param stop_index: Stop frame number. :param layers: Layers to render. :param views: Views to render. :param step: Step value. Renders given render operation, e.g. :class:`RenderRemoveOperation`. .. method:: Project.save() Saves the project to a file with the name specified in the :attr:`project_file` property. .. method:: Project.save_as(file) :type file: unicode :param file_name: Path to new project file. :raise: **RuntimeError** - on failure. Saves the project to a file with the given ``file_name``. On success, changes the :attr:`project_file` property value to ``file_name`` value. .. method:: Project.set_output_dir(path[, validate=false]) :type path: unicode :type validate: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :param path: Path to new output directory. :param validate: validate given path. :raise: **AssertionError** - if validate was set as True and path does not exist or is not writable. Changes this project output directory. .. method:: Project.track_layers([start_index=0[, stop_index=UINT_MAX[, layers=list()[, views=list()]]]]) :type start_index: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type stop_index: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type layers: list of Layer :type views: list of View :param start_index: Index of the first frame to track. If not passed, tracking starts from the beginning. :param stop_index: Index of the last frame to track. If not passed, tracking processed till the end. :param layers: List of layers to track. If not passed, cogged and not locked layers are processed. :param views: List of views to track. If not passed, default views is processed. Performs tracking process for the project. .. method:: Project.undo_group() :rtype: :class:`mocha.project.UndoGroup` .. attribute:: Project.notes :type: unicode :access: read-write Provides access to **project notes** which are available via mocha **View - Project Notes** menu. Example:: >>> proj.notes = "Foo" >>> print proj.notes Foo .. attribute:: Project.project_file :type: unicode :access: read-only Provides access to absolute project file path. If the project wasn't saved before, should return an empty string. Example:: >>> print proj.project_file /home/jc/Imagineer/mocha_projects/test_project.mocha .. attribute:: Project.clips :type: dict of {unicode: :class:`Clip`} :access: read-only Provides access to :class:`dict` of clip names and appropriate :class:`Clip`'s. Example:: >>> print proj.clips {u'Ceremony': , u'Logo': } >>> print proj.clips['Ceremony'] 'Ceremony' clip object .. attribute:: Project.in_out_range :type: 2-values tuple of long :access: read-write Provides access to project in and out points. Example:: >>> print proj.in_out_range (0L, 6L) >>> proj.in_out_range = (0, 5) >>> print proj.in_out_range (0L, 5L) .. attribute:: Project.frame_rate :type: float :access: read-write Provides access to project frame rate. Reflects mocha **File - Project settings... - Frame rate**. Example:: >>> print proj.frame_rate 24.0 >>> proj.frame_rate = 30.0 >>> print proj.frame_rate 30.0 .. attribute:: Project.interlace_mode :type: :class:`mocha.project.InterlaceMode` :access: read-only Provides access to project interlace mode. Example:: >>> print proj.interlace_mode project.InterlaceMode.NotInterlaced .. attribute:: Project.layers :type: list of :class:`Layer`'s :access: read-only Provides access to all project layers ordered from front to rear. Example:: >>> print proj.layers [, , , ] >>> print proj.layers[0].name branch See also: - :meth:`find_layers` - :meth:`layer` .. attribute:: Project.groups :type: list of :class:`LayerGroup`'s :access: read-only Provides access to all project layers ordered from front to rear. Example:: >>> print proj.groups [] >>> print proj.groups[0].name my group See also: - :meth:`find_groups` .. attribute:: Project.first_frame_offset :type: int :access: read-write Provides access to project first frame offset. Reflects mocha **File - Project settings... - First frame offset**. Example:: >>> print proj.first_frame_offset 1 >>> proj.first_frame_offset = 3 >>> print proj.first_frame_offset 3 .. attribute:: Project.length :type: int :access: read-write Provides access to project length. Reflects mocha **File - Project settings... - Length (frames)**. Example:: >>> print proj.length 7 >>> proj.length = 3 >>> print proj.length 3 .. attribute:: Project.views :type: list of :class:`ViewInfo`'s :access: read-write :raises RuntimeError: if trying to set stereo/multi-view project without appropriate license feature. :raises AssertionError: if names or abbreviations of given :class:`ViewInfo`'s are not unique. Provides access to project :class:`ViewInfo` objects. It contains a single instance for mono projects and may contain more instances for stereo/multi-view ones. To make the project multi-view (if the active license allows), assign a list of several :class:`ViewInfo` instances. Example:: >>> print proj.views [mocha.project.ViewInfo("mono", "M", (1, 0.3, 0.3))] >>> proj.views = [ViewInfo('left', 'L', (0, 0, 0)), ViewInfo('right', 'R', (0, 0, 0))] >>> print proj.views [mocha.project.ViewInfo("left", "L", (0, 0, 0)), mocha.project.ViewInfo("right", "R", (0, 0, 0))] .. attribute:: Project.default_hero_view :type: :class:`mocha.project.View` :access: read-write :raises: **AssertionError** – if the project does not contain a given view. Provides access to project default hero view. Example:: >>> print proj.default_hero_view View(0) >>> proj.default_hero_view = 0 >>> print proj.default_hero_view View(0) >>> proj.default_hero_view = 1 >>> print proj.default_hero_view View(1) >>> proj.default_hero_view = View(1) >>> proj.default_hero_view View(1) See also: - :attr:`views` .. attribute:: Project.playback_in_point :type: uint :access: read-write Provides access to the valid project ``in point`` value. .. attribute:: Project.playback_out_point :type: uint :access: read-write Provides access to the valid project ``out point`` value. .. attribute:: Project.progress_watcher :type: :class:`mocha.project.ProgressWatcher` :access: read-only Provides access to the current progress watcher object of exporting operations. .. attribute:: Project.default_trackable_clip :type: :class:`mocha.project.Clip` :access: read-only Provides access to default trackable clip of the project.