.. module:: mocha.exporters .. _AbstractCameraSolveExporter: AbstractCameraSolveExporter *************************** .. inheritance-diagram:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter :parts: 2 **Inherited by:** :ref:`CameraSolveExporter` Synopsis -------- Functions ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`register` () * def :meth:`unregister` () Virtual functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`do_export` (project, layers, camera_file_path, time, views) * def :meth:`error_string` () Static functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: function_list * def :meth:`registered_exporters` () Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: property_list * property :attr:`exports_multiple_views` [read-only] of bool * property :attr:`registered` [read-only] of bool Detailed Description -------------------- Abstract camera solve exporter class. Inherit the class to create own exporter formats. Method do_export must be overloaded. .. class:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter(name, extension[, number_of_data_streams=1[, export_multiple_views=false]]) :type name: unicode :type extension: unicode :type number_of_data_streams: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type export_multiple_views: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :param name: name of the exporter which will be displayed in the Export Camera Data dialog drop-down list. Should contain a file mask in brackets e.g. Foo (*.bar) :param extension: additional extension. :param number_of_data_streams: number of result files. If it equals to 1 then the Copy to Clipboard button will be enabled. :param export_multiple_views: whether the exporter supports multiple views. Create an exporter instance. The instance ownership is delegated to Python. To register the exporter inside mocha exporters system, call `register()` method. Before deleting the object unregisters itself. :type number_of_data_streams: :class:`PySide.QtCore.uint` :type export_multiple_views: :class:`PySide.QtCore.bool` :type extension: unicode :type name: unicode .. method:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter.do_export(project, layers, camera_file_path, time, views) :type project: :class:`mocha.project.Project` :type layers: list of Layer :type camera_file_path: unicode :type time: :class:`PySide.QtCore.double` :type views: list of View :rtype: Dictionary with keys of type QString and values of type QByteArray. :param project: mocha project instance. :param layers: list of layers to export. :param camera_file_path: absolute file path to save which has been chosen by a user in a file dialog. :param time: frame index. :param views: list of views to export. :rtype: dict of {file_name: QByteArray} Performs main exporter operations. Must return a map (``dict``) of absolute file path and appropriate contents. The exporter should not create those files. .. method:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter.error_string() :rtype: unicode .. method:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter.register() Registers the exporter instance inside mocha exporters system. .. staticmethod:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter.registered_exporters() :rtype: Dictionary with keys of type QString and values of type CameraSolveExporter. :rtype: ``dict`` of {``str``: :class:`CameraSolveExporter`} Returns a dict of registered exporters including custom user exporters. .. method:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter.unregister() Unregisters the exporter instance inside mocha exporters system. .. attribute:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter.exports_multiple_views :type: bool :access: read-only Whether the exporter supports multiple views. .. attribute:: AbstractCameraSolveExporter.registered :type: bool :access: read-only Whether the exporter registered.